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My Approach

As a functional medicine and integrative nutrition coach, I will get to the root of your challenges and create a personalized plan that will help you reclaim your vitality and shine your light more brightly than ever.


Our bodies are inherently wise and wellness oriented, but due to years of poor nutrition, stress, toxins, allergens, infections and limiting beliefs, they’ve become ill. However, with keen detective work, carefully coordinated treatment, a multi-pronged & integrated approach, and a committed partnership, healing is possible.


I’m inspired by people courageously walking the healing path with open minds and hearts, vulnerable enough to let their imperfections be witnessed, and committed to transmuting adversity into growth. 


​Today, with a wealth of client experience behind me, I help people embrace the facts about how their body works and how it responds to every choice they make. This flips their internal script on the role they can play in resolving chronic illness, systemic inflammation, resistant weight loss and autoimmunity​.



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